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Selasa, 22 November 2016

21st Century Security and CPTED

21st Century Security and CPTED
By:"Randall I. Atlas"
"Business & Economics"
Published on 2013-06-25 by CRC Press

Designing for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Crime Prevention, Second \u003cbr\u003e\nEdition Randall I. Atlas. h. ... Upon review of the \u003cb\u003elobby design\u003c/b\u003e, the designer may \u003cbr\u003e\nalso note an egress peak at approximately 12:02 p.m. and 5:10 p.m. The security\u003cbr\u003e\n ...


The concept of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) has undergone dramatic changes over the last several decades since C. Ray Jeffery coined the term in the early 1970s, and Tim Crowe wrote the first CPTED applications book. The second edition of 21st Century Security and CPTED includes the latest theory, knowledge, and practice of CPTED as it relates to the current security threats facing the modern world: theft, violent crime, terrorism, gang activity, and school and workplace violence. This significantly expanded edition includes the latest coverage of proper lighting, building design—both the interior and exterior—physical security barriers, the usage of fencing, bollards, natural surveillance, landscaping, and landscape design. Such design concepts and security elements can be applied to address a wide variety of threats including crime prevention, blast mitigation, and CBRNE threat protection. Authored by one of the U.S.’s renowned security experts—and a premiere architect and criminologist—the book is the most comprehensive examination of CPTED and CPTED principles available. This edition includes a complete update of all chapters in addition to five new chapters, over 700 figure illustrations and photos, numerous tables and checklists, and a 20-page color plate section. This latest edition: Features five new chapters including green and sustainable buildings, infrastructure protection, and premises liability Presents step-by-step guidelines and real-world applications of CPTED concepts, principles and processes—from risk assessment to construction and post-occupancy evaluation Outlines national building security codes and standards Examines architectural surety from the perspective of risk analysis and premises liability Demonstrates CPTED implementation in high-security environments, such as hospitals, parks, ATMs, schools, and public and private sector buildings A practical resource for architects, urban planners and designers, security managers, law enforcement, CPTED practitioners, building and property managers, homeland security professionals, and students, 21st Century Security and CPTED, Second Edition continues to serve as the most complete and up-to-date reference available on next-generation CPTED practices today.

This Book was ranked 16 by Google Books for keyword lobby design.

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