Barrier-Free Design
By:"James Holmes-Seidle"
Published on 2012-08-21 by Routledge
1250 1550 Door \u003cb\u003elobbies\u003c/b\u003e The dimensions for door \u003cb\u003elobbies\u003c/b\u003e are laid down in Part M \u003cbr\u003e\nof the Building Regulations. They vary depending on the number of doors and \u003cbr\u003e\nthe direction of the swing and are designed to allow a wheelchair user to get past\u003cbr\u003e\n ...
This book for architects, interior designers, building managers, students, conference organisers looks at first principles to provide the user with the 'tools' to make their own decisions rather than a 'cookbook' approach. It is intended that designs and product information can be taken straight from the manual and inserted into ongoing projects. For the first time the book considers the needs of people with visual, hearing and mental disabilities, who make up the majority of disabled people in the population, alongside those of people with physical mobility disabilities. Practical low cost solutions to retro-fitting existing buildings are discussed, as well as the methods used to assess the suitability of an existing building, and assembling a project to improve access for disabled people. Specific products and designs are illustrated and discussed - with full working technical drawings, and full specification details. These will reduce considerably the research time needed to produce a cost-effective solution that will improve access for disabled people. A perspective of the standards and legislation dealing with access issues in the UK is compared with those in other countries, and the standards mentioned are compared with the realities of practical implementation carried out in 4 years of design in this area.
This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword lobby design.
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