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Kamis, 01 Desember 2016

The Kitchen Bible

The Kitchen Bible
By:"Barbara Ballinger","Margret Crane","Jennifer Gilmer"
Published on 2014-04-08 by Images Publishing

This is followed by over 50 inspiring kitchens, highlighting different options and styles to help you create your ideal space.


Kitchens have been transformed from a purely utilitarian workspace to a culinary-family-friends’ mecca where everyone congregates. While kitchens in condos and small houses may still be limited in square footage, even a tiny galley-style space is often now open to living and dining areas in loft-style arrangement for better camaraderie and conversation. Divided into two sections, this book will guide you through the process of designing the perfect kitchen. The first section takes you through a step-by-step approach to kitchen design and renovation, complete with questions to ask contractors, layout suggestions and checklists. This is followed by over 50 inspiring kitchens, highlighting different options and styles to help you create your ideal space.

This Book was ranked 6 by Google Books for keyword kitchen design.

The book is written in enfor NOT_MATURE

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