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Selasa, 29 November 2016

Dictionary of Architecture and Interior Design

Dictionary of Architecture and Interior Design
By:"Mary Gilliatt"
Published on 2012-10-01 by Pan

Whether you are a home owner, an amateur restorer or decorator, a professional, a realtor, a student, or a do-it-yourselfer, this book will make every job go smoother.


An easy-to-use, one-stop reference guide for architectural and interior design. Part dictionary, part reference book, Mary Gilliatt's Dictionary of Architecture and Design is a single comprehensive source of information that will help you navigate all decisions related to home decor. Whether you are a home owner, an amateur restorer or decorator, a professional, a realtor, a student, or a do-it-yourselfer, this book will make every job go smoother. Over 2000 Entries and 250 line drawings logically organised into 12 useful subject areas: Architects, Designers, and Decorators Architectural, Building, and Decorating Terms Colors, Paints, Varnishes, and Decorative Finishes Fabric and Wallpaper Flooring Furniture and Upholstery Glass and Ceramics Lighting Oriental and Other Rugs Styles and Movements Windows and Window Treatments Woods for Furniture and Floors

This Book was ranked 26 by Google Books for keyword interior design.

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