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Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016

Interior Design Using Autodesk Revit 2017

Interior Design Using Autodesk Revit 2017
By:"Daniel John Stine","Aaron Hansen"
Published on 2016-06 by SDC Publications

The intent of this book is to provide the interior design student a well-rounded knowledge of Autodesk Revit tools and techniques.


The intent of this book is to provide the interior design student a well-rounded knowledge of Autodesk Revit tools and techniques. These skills can then be applied to enhance professional development in both academia and industry. To further enhance this book, the author has created numerous videos that demonstrate exactly how to use many of the most commonly used tools in Revit. The overall premise of the book is to learn Revit while developing the interior of a two story law office. The reader is provided an architectural model with established columns, beams, exterior walls, minimal interior walls and roofs in which to work. This allows more emphasis to be placed on interior design rather than primary architectural elements. The chapters chronology generally follows the typical design process. Students will find this book helps them more accurately and efficiently develop their design ideas and skills. The first chapter introduces the reader to Revit, Building Information Modeling (BIM) and the basics of opening, saving and creating a new project. The second provides a quick introduction to modeling basic elements in Revit including walls, doors, windows and more. This chapter is designed to show students how powerful Revit is and hopefully make them more excited about learning it. The remainder of the book is spent developing the interior space of the law office with an established space program. A student will learn how to view and navigate within the provided 3D architectural model, managing and creating materials and develop spaces with walls, doors and windows. Once all the spaces are added to the model, several areas are explored and used as the basis to cover Revit commands and workflows. At the end of this tutorial, the reader will be able to model floor finishes, ceilings with soffits, casework, custom reception desk, restrooms, furniture and light fixtures. Additional features such as tags, schedules and photo-realistic rendering will be covered.

This Book was ranked 5 by Google Books for keyword interior design.

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