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Rabu, 26 Oktober 2016

The Design Cookbook

The Design Cookbook
By:"Kelly Edwards"
"House & Home"
Published on 2013-05-01 by Medallion Media Group

Ifyou are still sitting on a futon in your \u003cb\u003eliving room\u003c/b\u003e, it may be time for a new sofa. \u003cbr\u003e\nMake note ofwhat works and what doesn't. Ifit doesn't have a function, it doesn't \u003cbr\u003e\nbelong. That's what accessories are for. Figure out how you use the space and ...


This e-book is in fixed layout format. To zoom on text or pictures simply double tap the area on which you’d like to zoom. Through stunning photographs and step-by-step instructions, designer and lifestyle expert Kelly Edwards brings a myriad of looks, tastes, and approaches to chic home design in this guidebook. From the kitchen and the bedroom to the home office and the out-of-doors, Kelly illustrates how to achieve the best color, texture, proportion, and overall design aesthetic and passes along decorating tips from amazing designers and tastemakers. Individual chapters contain a wide array of images and inspiration for the respective spaces along with an assortment of do-it-yourself “recipes” to achieve just the right personality.

This Book was ranked 22 by Google Books for keyword living room design.

The book is written in enfor NOT_MATURE

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