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Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016

Alzheimer’s Society guide to the dementia care environment

Alzheimer’s Society guide to the dementia care environment
By:"Jackie Pool"
"Health & Fitness"
Published on 2015-02-27 by Alzheimer’s Society

Being fed is passive and is a practical task. Dining, however, is a social and \u003cbr\u003e\nsensory activity, rather than just refuelling. It is fundamentally a difference in \u003cbr\u003e\nattitude, but the design, layout and décor of the \u003cb\u003edining room\u003c/b\u003e also have a great \u003cbr\u003e\neffect.


This book by leading occupational therapist and trainer, Jackie Pool, describes clearly and comprehensively how physical and social environments can support a person-centred approach to dementia care. It includes illustrated examples of internal and external environments and advice on how to put solutions into care practice. People with dementia may be cared for at home, in a day care centre, or in a care home. Whatever the setting, design principles can be applied to the environment to help the person to live well. It covers: • the different dimensions of physical and social environments • the effect of the environment on a person's emotional wellbeing • different ways in which the environment can be used to help a person with dementia • some practical design solutions and features for each specific area. In addition, each section explores how care workers can use such features to help people with dementia engage with the physical and social world. The chapters cover all areas of residential environments including rooms such as living rooms and kitchens but also hallways and corridors, as well as features such as signage, colour and lighting. Each section includes: general principles; key points to remember in relation to design aspects and how they relate to people with behaviour; and summaries on how to apply and make the most of all recommendations in practical care. The book also includes a case study of a day care support service refurbished to improve the environment for younger people with dementia and an appendix listing all the recommendations for each element of the environment in a series of checklists. This title is published by Alzheimer’s Society in their series of titles providing practical and comprehensive guidance for health and social care professionals. It is an invaluable source of knowledge for those working in care homes or carers considering extra help from professional care workers.

This Book was ranked 22 by Google Books for keyword dinning room design.

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